Arnhem Land Swimming Hole – Reflections

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This was a swimming hole we visited on a day off near Gapuwiyak, Arnhem Land. I went with some of the guys to fish at the river, and left the rest of the party to enjoy the cool water. We came back here later in the day and had a splash about too, after catching some fish. This was a nice time in the afternoon, the heat of the day had passed and the light was softer. There was no wind about, and the water was calm and clear. The crocodiles, we were told, were further up the creek. We didn’t see any in this area so I guess the advice was right.

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Oz In Arnhem Land, After Dark.

This is a collection of photos I took while on tour with Circus Oz in Arnhem Land.

These are from backstage, bumping out, and general night time activities.

Ramingining Dingo, Arnhem Land.

A beautiful and friendly female dingo-cross was hanging around our site in Ramingining, Arnhem Land. She was happy to say hi, play games and politely ask for food while we were setting up. I must admit, i was slightly obsessed.

Click on the images to enlarge, and please subscribe if you like the content. I am currently at Perth Airport about to fly to Albany to rejoin with Circus Oz for a little of their W.A. tour. Then in September it’s corporate work and rehearsals for 2 shows in October: Melbourne Fringe Festival and  busking festival in Coff’s Harbour. Upcoming adventures should be interesting 🙂

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Arnhem Land Camp Dog #5. Old and lumpy!


This poor fellow was hanging around one afternoon in Gapuwiyak, Arnhem Land. he had a lump on his back the size of a baseball and was pretty placid, considering his state. There are no veterinary services in these towns apart form ones that fly in occasionally to spay and neuter dogs en masse, so fleas, mange, strange growths and limps go unchecked. The dogs are basically everyone’s and nobody’s at the same time, which is nice but also means they get the raw end of the deal a lot of the time. Free to do what they want, but not cared for.


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Arnhem Land Camp Dog #2.

Arnhem Land Camp Dog 2

So I’ve been touring around Arnhem Land with Circus Oz. For those who don’t know, Arnhem Land is an aboriginal land in the Northern Territory in Australia. Amazing is an understatement. I had no laptop throughout the travelling these past few weeks, so my posts have been thin on the ground. But here’s to new beginnings 🙂 I became a bit obsessive about photographing the camp dogs with my fisheye lens. there’ll be more to come.

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Arnhem Land Camp Dog


Sorry about the extended absence people! I god whisked away to Arnhem Land in Australia’s Northern Territory to do a quick tour with Circus Oz. It’s hot, dry and beautiful. No swimming in the ocean due to the crocs and jellies, mosquitoes are large and hungry, and the dogs are “cheeky” (a local term meaning they bite). The kids are amazing, and the show is fun. I’ll try to keep updating, but no laptop means that it’s all mobile phone and memory card. I’m getting some wonderful pictures.