Breaching Whale, Travel Photo #86.


From the top of Muttonbird Island in Coffs Harbour, tourists can view whales and their calves frolic in the warming waters of the Pacific Ocean. The occasional boat was in the neighbourhood too, getting as close as they dared. I’m not sure what kind of whales they were, but the most common species to see are the humpback whale or the southern right whale.

It was kind of like watching sports in real life compared to watching it on TV: Quite a different experience. You’re really struck by the size of them. It is the most obvious thing to say, but it’s true. I was suddenly aware that they were quite large creatures. They breach, and they’re bigger than the boats on the surface of the water.


Long Exposure Dolphin, Travel Photo #85

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Hi again! From Coffs Harbour, this was the photo I took 2 minutes after the photo in the last post. The trail in the water in the bottom left is the dolphin that swam through the 30 second exposure. It glided up to me, then stopped and turned on it’s belly a few times just a metre from the jetty. In a few seconds it was off hunting fish again. It still makes me smile to think of it.

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Coffs Harbour Jetty, Travel Photo #84.

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I flew back from Coffs Harbour today, after doing a week of the International Busking Festival there. It’s a beautiful seaside town on the mid coast of New South Wales, Australia. Springtime brings whales and their young into the area, among other sea life. About 2 minutes after this photo, was taken a dolphin came to within a few feet of me and said hello before chasing a school of fish off into deeper water.  Earlier in the day, I jumped off the jetty and climbed out to see a large school of manta rays gracefully flapping through the water I had just plunged into.

This was a 30 second exposure with my Samyang 8mm fisheye. It was quite dark, and a few photos didn’t work at all before this one came out exposed perfectly. It’s strange because the scene didn’t look quite this vibrant to the naked eye, but this is quite close to how it came out of the camera (except for some noise reduction and a few little tweaks).

I’ll be posting a few more photos, as well as links to some pics from the festival itself with some pics of my performances.
If you like what you see, like it, share it, subsribe! have a great week people.

Handstand Training In Cairns, Australia. Travel Photo #72.


I think this is the first photo of me in the travel photos! So now you know what I look like upside down. This was last year sometime, or the start of this year. I worked on a few cruise ships from the October-February period, on the east coast of Australia and Pacific Islands. Cairns is nice. Rainforest and waterfalls. This photo of me was taken by a fellow performer on the foreshore area in town.


Barcelona Fishermen, Travel Photo #70. Does Complete Consistency In A Blog Really Matter?

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click to enlarge.

I’ve been looking around at blogs, and the best ones have consistency in visuals and content. This is something that i’m still getting sorted out. Do you think it really matters, as long as the content is good? Of course it does. I know I subscribe to other blogs with a professional and consistent look and feel. I think the textual component of it is probably more straightforward for this type of blog, considering it’s clearly secondary to the photos in importance. But in regards to the photos, I can use a valid reason for my inconsistent nature: this is my blog, and I choose to use it for productivity and exploration of various photographic styles. I am sincerely excited that people are following me. It’s nice to test the waters with a new processing technique or something I haven’t tried. I guess I treat this blog like an impartial critic. At the same time, I do feel the need to keep some sort of flow and feel to it, because I know that’s what I would appreciate. I guess people need to be able to expect a small component of this.

I have subscribed to blogs in the past weeks, however, that seem to post content which is too similar in style. Photography blogs especially. I find I get bored too easily. Is that why I can’t decide on a style for this blog? possibly. Maybe it’s my own short attention span that is the problem.

Subscribe! you’ll love it.

God Is Love, Travel Photo #60.

Cangas do Morazzo, in the Galicia region of Spain.
Cangas do Morazzo, in the Galicia region of Spain. Click to enlarge.

The translation of this lovely piece of graffiti is “God is love”. Kind of nice really. Much better than something like “Drugz N Money”, but not quite as witty as some bathroom scrawls I’ve been privileged to have been enlightened by in the past. I guess if you’re going to write anything on a beautiful beach you may as well make it about God. Whether you are religious or not, it’s a nice pure sentiment.

Thanks for stopping by!

Llorett De Mar, Spain. Travel Photo #58.

Sunset at Llorett De Mar, Spain.
Sunset at Llorett De Mar, Spain.


Llorett De Mar is a tourist town a couple of hours north of Barcelona. During the summer months the population swells with German, Russian and English tourists all wanting a piece of Mediterranean paradise to tell their friends about. It’s really a beautiful place. The sun is just hot enough, the water is cool and calm, and everyone’s up for a good time. Unfortunately I was there for only a day, visiting my uncle while I was in the area. He has lived there with his kids since I can remember.

Thanks for stopping by! 😀

Spot The English Kid, Spain. Travel Photo #55.

Palafrugell, Spain.
Palafrugell, Spain. Click to enlarge.

We had one afternoon at this beach on the Costa Brava in Spain, at a place called Palafrugell. We drove down there and I suddenly remembered the whole place from when i was 12 years old when we were visiting my Spanish relatives. It was quite cool. I remember doing exactly what these kids are doing in this picture. I wonder if they will keep this moment, or whether it will blend together and end up as an indistinct mess of beach days and restaurant nights. I recalled the whole thing so clearly the moment we drove down the hill towards the beach.

Thanks for reading 🙂 follow my blog and be a winner!

Travel Photo Of The Day #32: Antoni Gaudi’s Casa Batlló, The House Of Bones.

Antoni Gaudi’s Casa Batlló, or House Of Bones, is a masterpiece typical of Gaudi’s work in Barcelona. Inspired by the ocean, nature, whale skeletons and natural colours, it is a wonderful reminder of the creativity of the designers that existed before the Bauhaus movement.

Click on any photo to enlarge.